Sunday, October 24, 2010

List of Life Happenings

As I caught up on reading many of you wonderful peoples' blogs from the uber-comfy Community Coffeehouse chair, I realized that I have been lax and ignored my own blog for a bit.  Never fear, an update is here.

Hmm.  Much has happened in the time since I posted:

1. I have firmly established the concept of dinner is only complete if dessert is involved.  Thank you Brothers.
2. I visited Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta and found a happy, happy place.  I would LOVE to go to graduate school there.
3. There was a fabulous trip to Louisville for candidacy meetings; Fayette First UMC, you would be happy to know that the KY folk treated me super kindly and said to thank you for the loan of me.
4. I've met Mrs. Julia, who is fabulous and so very close to having her home back.  She will be facing surgery soon and expressed appreciation for any prayers.
5. I volunteered for the Mid-City Neighborhood Association Porch Crawl, serving some of the best jambalaya I've ever eaten and chatting with the participants.  Fabulous night. (Also, I was beside the coldstone creamery couple, who joyfully supplied me with yummy icecream in exchange for some spectacularly spicy jambalaya.
6. Work has become quite busy and full.  There is lots of drywall, paint, and baseboard in my life.

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