Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Look at the Happy Nerd!

So, I must preface this blog, I begin today with coffee and added construction.  For this super eager chica, coffee + exciting things like construction = extremely bouncy, exuberant, and somewhat obnoxious Haley.

Now, the day begin early and normal enough.  Molly and I went to prayers with the Brothers and then we headed to OHH for our fist day at the organization.  Yay.  Well, after a lengthy bit of policies and procedures we headed to the worksite.  I could feel joy bubbling forth.  Sure, we weren't building things but...there was osb, and, look - joist hangers.  What a beautiful sight!

So, they opened the home in progress.  The project manager took us in and begin explaining building components, OHH policies, construction steps.  Ahh, the joy.   I, of course, begin asking a billion questions.  If you ever had that really eager, annoying kid who kept asking the professor questions.  You know the one, even though it's time to go, he/she still persists with his/her wide, oh-so-intent eyes.  Yep, that was me.  I was that kid interested and intense and a tiny bit of a pain.  Oh, well.  It was a great joy to me.  And, yes, I bounded home a bit like an over-excited bunny still running on caffeine and construction.

And the best news yet...we start building tomorrow.  


  1. I feel like perhaps I need to warn the brothers about you and coffee. Also, I feel that a highly caffeinated Haley at a construction site is not necessarily a good thing.

  2. HCH (Highly Caffeinated Haley) + power drill = awesome.
